Sunday, October 23rd 2011, 4:00 AM

Police released two sketches based on descriptions from sexual assault victims in Queens.
The spree began in late September and victimized five women in Queens Village, Laurelton and Springfield Gardens, said police.
"It's scary and it's a sad way to live. It puts fear in your heart," said Sophia Louis, 35, who lives just two blocks from an attack on Oct. 12 in which a 23-year-old woman was sexually assaulted at 11:30 p.m. on 226th St. near South Conduit Ave. in Laureleton.
Police said the perv first struck on Sept. 22 when a 44-year-old woman was attacked as she entered her Queens Village home, shortly after 1 a.m.
The same man struck again on Oct. 7, grabbing a second woman outside her Queens Village home at 11 p.m. and sexually assaulting her, police said.
On Oct. 9, a 40-year-old woman was walking along 145th Road in Queens Village shortly after 1 a.m. when she was grabbed and thrown to the ground.
Her attacker punched her in the face several times and then tried to rape her. A neighbor heard her screams and chased away the attacker, police said.
Cops believe one man is responsible for the assaults, though they released two sketches Saturday based on two victims' descriptions.
He last struck on Oct. 16, when he hit a 24-year-old woman over the head from behind and sexually assaulted her on Conduit Ave. at 7 p.m, according to police.
"I'm very cautions when I go out at night. I'm literally looking behind me whenever I come out of the house," said Louis.
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