Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as ‘controlled explosion’ drill by Boston bomb squad
TweetTake a real good look at the only footage taken after the bombing, out of all the convenient shots that could have been taken, the footage really shows nothing. Panic isn't really in the air, shock doesn't see to even set in , and all respondents appear to be wearing the same cloths. There is footage of a man being rolled in a wheel chair with a blown off leg, is this even the legal protocol for a responding medic with a situation of such?. What ever happen to bandages? And where was the blood? and why doesn't the man show any pain on his face? Well, maybe he's showing a little, but his leg is off! What ever happen to sedation for shock prevention?
This is a horrible event taken place in Boston, Prayers go's out to the victims and families effected. We must all keep our eyes and ears open for any suspicious activities leading up to this tragedy.
For those who don't know:
Boston's Bomb squad unit was running “controlled explosion” drill on the same day. Mainstream media is not reporting the “controlled explosion” drill taking place only minutes away, and on the same day as the marathon explosion. As the Boston Globe tweeted today, “Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.” Bloomberg news is now saying, “This is very likely a terrorist attack.”The question is: Who are the terrorists? It’s far too early to take an informed guess on all this. However, it is indisputable that the FBI is actively engaged in carrying out bomb plots in the United States, then halting them at the last minute to “catch the terrorists.” This fact has been covered by the New York Times, among other publications. Either way, terrorism always works in the favor of the state. It makes presidents look presidential, and it gives the government an excuse to crack down on civil liberties all across the country.
SEE: Contributions and related articles posted Monday, April 15, 2013 at 3:58 pm
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