Family of Zurana Horton
"She was seen hovering over several children to protect them," NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said of Zurana Horton. A second woman was wounded when the the gunman unleashed a hail of bullets from atop a building near Public School 298 in Brownsville about 2:30 p.m., police said.
Zurana Horton, the 33-year-old pregnant woman, was hit in the head in front of the Lucky Supermarket at Pitkin Ave. and Watkins St. after she threw herself over a group of children, cops and witnesses said.
"Moments before, she was seen hovering over several children to protect them," NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said.
The second woman was shot in the arm and chest. The 31-year-old was listed in stable condition at Brookdale University Hospital. The 11-year-old girl, identified as Cheanne McKnight, a 6th-grader at P.S. 298, was being treated at Brookdale for a graze wound to the cheek.
A source said Horton, a mother of 13, had just picked up one of her kids from nearby P.S. 298. A teacher ran to her side and whisked at least one of her children into a nearby firehouse for safety.
Police said the gunman opened fire from a rooftop more than a block away, at 1800 Pitkin Ave.
Seven 9-mm shell casings were found on the roof and five others were found on the sidewalk in front of the building.

Police say none of the victims appears to have been the shooter's intended target. (John Taggart for News)
Cops were searching the perimeter and the roof of that building.
Three men were taken into custody, but cops believe the shooter is still on the loose.
None of the victims appeared to be the intended target, police said.
The shooting took place inside an NYPD Operation Impact Zone, an area saturated with young cops in response to persistent crime problems.

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