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Thursday, November 17, 2011

We know they're there, what do they want? CNN: Christine Romans explains Occupy movement.

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New York City Police Clear out Park of Occupy Wall Street Protesters; Jerry Sandusky Admits to Showering with Children; Defense Secretary Warns against Cuts to Military Spending; Health Care Case in Campaign Spotlight; Police Clear Out "Occupy" Park; Abdullah to Assad: "Step Down"; Obama Down Under; Sandusky: "I Am Innocent"; College Sports: A Dirty Business?; Gabrielle Giffords in First Interview; Occupy Protests Cleared Out

Aired November 15, 2011 - 06:59   ET

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Breaking news to tell you about this morning. The New York City police department moving in on Wall Street protesters overnight just days before they promised to really shake things up downtown.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jerry Sandusky is a big, overgrown kid. He's a jock.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: Jerry Sandusky's lawyer hinting at his client's defense, and the accused molester himself also speaking out saying he's only guilty of horsing around with children.

COSTELLO: First Rick Perry. Now, it's Herman Cain who has a case of the oops. The candidate freezing when reporters ask him about Libya.

ROMANS: Smiling positive and looking forward. Ten months after being shot in the head, Gabby Giffords speaks. Will she return to Congress on this AMERICAN MORNING?

COSTELLO: And good morning to you. It is Tuesday, November 15th. Ali Velshi has off today. I'm Carol Costello along with Christine Romans. Welcome to AMERICAN MORNING.

ROMANS: Yes. First this morning, breaking news. New York City telling the Wall Street protesters it's time to take up your tents, pick up your tarps, get your stuff, and go. Overnight police cleared out Zuccotti Park. This is where the Occupy movement started. The hundreds of protesters now on the streets. They are watching and waiting. That's because they've been told they can return once sanitation crews have finished cleaning up the park.

Poppy Harlow live in lower Manhattan. So Poppy, is the park open yet for demonstrators and protesters yet?

POPPY HARLOW, CNNMONEY.COM: The park is not open yet. You've got traffic walking by, you can see, Christine. But as you can see, it's barricaded on all four sides. A lot of police officers down here. And, also, you see those people in yellow vests? I was told by one they are park security. So we're not sure if they're from the city or from Brookfield, which is the company that owns this park.

But it's a fascinating park. We've been reporting down here live since 2:00 in the morning. The escalation ramped up in the wee hours in the morning from 2:00 to 3:00 to 4:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m. when was on live with Carol. You had all of the protesters taken out of the part. A number of them were arrested, we saw them loaded onto NYPD buses.

And we had a chance to talk throughout the night to these protestors, whey were they leaving? How did it go down in the park? Because we as journalists were not allowed by the NYPD past barricades a block and a half away from here. We were not allowed to get into the park until 5:00 in the morning after trying for three hours. So take a listen to those in the park who got evicted to their experience. Here it is. See more