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Saturday, November 12, 2011

In the world of confusion Everything changes For better and for worse.

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World con­fu­sion; We have driv­en our­selves out of the reg­u­lar mind state of a nor­mal econ­o­my. Lim­it­ed knowl­edge and mass con­fu­sion is ex­posed threw out the na­tion. Chal­lenges plague so­ci­ety as a world and many lead­ers look in oth­er di­rec­tions, per­tain­ing to their per­son­al in­ter­est on­ly. Com­pli­ca­tions will on­ly get worse, if the ig­no­rance of the world con­tin­ues. Find­ing what means any­thing is be­com­ing dis­tant and dif­fi­cult, be­cause the dam­age to the great­ness has be­come out­stand­ing. Times are chang­ing rapid­ly and what has been de­ceased is com­ing alive. Life has been tak­en for grant­ed ex­treme­ly too long and the earth is be­gin­ning to speak. We've re­mained sta­ble in our spir­it, but our bod­ies are de­te­ri­o­rat­ing slow­ly. Our sal­va­tion lye in the hearts of the self­less and most of the peo­ple are self­ish. There is no es­cape and you are a part of the de­ci­sions made by oth­ers, whether they are wrong or right. Lov­ing has be­come hard and hat­ing has be­come easy, start­ing in the streets and land­ing in the homes. The chil­dren have no guid­ance and their di­rec­tion is none, open your eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to what is nec­es­sary. Ev­ery­thing and ev­ery­one that ex­ist has a pur­pose and a rea­son for ex­is­tence, but the ex­am­ple of most, are not ap­par­ent. Ev­ery­thing has a be­gin­ning and all things must end, with the world spi­ral­ing out of con­trol, when or where it will end up is look­ing dim. Stop and reval­u­ate your po­si­tion. How will the coun­try re­gain con­trol of the na­tion's out­look on so­ci­ety? Why does ev­ery­one ap­pear to ig­nore the prob­lems of the world to­day? Stop, reval­u­ate your po­si­tion. Ask your­self" Do I have a po­si­tion"? If so what is it? What is our pur­pose? Re­mem­ber the days of pros­per­i­ty and growth? Where are the in­di­vid­u­als giv­ing their life to the world? Where are the val­ues in which we stand for? It's best to die for some­thing, than to live for noth­ing. Ev­ery­one wants to live the Amer­i­can dream, but what good is a dream, when you don't wake up to live it. Writ­ten by Der­rick D Pringle Sr. 10/30/11

In the world of confusion

Everything changes. For better and for worse. In our hope to search for a sense of security, we create this world of stability and uniformity.
And when things do not go as we expect, we name and tag them as "accident", "abnormal", "confusing" or even worse "unfortunate".
What we don't realize, is that the sense of security itself is an illusion. The world is a big mess and every second we make choices, good and bad ones. At the heart of each second is us making our every step.
"The trace of your path has been washed, and the path ahead is unclear. How can you even make one step in a world like this?"
"well, it has been like this, and it will be like that for the time to come. You simply can't enjoy tomorrow's meal! And in the mean time, I walk, therefore I am."

 I have gotten used to this state and gained fast skill in resolving it-quick restructuring of ideas.The quicker you are,the better you become in resolving things.
          Most people refuse to get into this state because of the task and discomfort it brings but no matter how hard you try to avoid it ,you can not escape it as its inevitable.
           Nobody likes to get confused but what we gonna do huh,you got a problem and it must be resolved or its gonna cost you.Always think of the fulfillment it brings to you after its overcomed.Think about it.